Toby Kurien Apps

WebApps Sandboxed Browser v2.11
Toby Kurien
WebApps is an open-source, secure, sandboxedbrowser for mobi/web app sites. What this means is that you canbrowse mobile websites/web apps securely within the app, but anyexternal links will open in your default browser or other app. Withthe ability to create homescreen shortcuts, WebApps turns yourfavourite mobi/web apps into secure apps!WebApps automatically uses HTTPS for all requests, and by defaultactually blocks any 3rd party requests (e.g. analytics, adtrackers, etc) and any insecure requests (i.e. requests that arenot using HTTPS).The main use for WebApps is that you can disable cookies, passwordsaving, and flash/local storage on your default browser. This way,you cannot easily be tracked or have your session hijacked when onpublic Wifi. You can safely opt to use the mobile versions of somepopular apps (like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.) instead ofusing their Android app counterparts, since the Android apps canleak a lot of private data (e.g. automatic photo uploads, location,your contact list, etc.).Features:- Works like Mozilla Prism on the desktop. This is a mostlychrome-less browser that gets out of your way.- Much like FirefoxOS did, WebApps turns websites into secure appson your phone (you can create shortcuts on your homescreen)- Completely full-screen browsing (auto-hiding action bar)- Securely browse mobile sites (uses HTTPS and rejects HTTPconnections to avoid wire-tapping)- Blocks 3rd party requests (images/scripts/iframes) like theNoScript and NotScripts plugins on the desktop- Allows self-signed SSL certificates to be accepted andsaved- Saves website certificates and warns if the certificate changes(can detect man-in-the-middle attack)- User agent setting allows more rich mobile experience (dependingon site)- Uses much less bandwidth than native apps (like Google+ app). Nobackground sync'ing.- Features local data storage and caching for reduced bandwidthusage and better speed.- Fully open source software.For using Google's suite of apps, try the GApps Sandboxed Browserapp, which works the same as this app but contains specifichandling for Google's web apps.WebApps is open source. Visit the app's website for moreinformation and source code. Contributions are welcome.
MakerDroid 3D Printing ALPHA 0.2
Toby Kurien
NOTE: This is an alpha release. Only tested ona limited number of devices and printers.MakerDroid (previously Paint3d) is an app you can use to drawout a 2D shape that will then get extruded into a 3D shape, whichyou can then print out as a physical object using a 3D printer, orcut out of wood or other materials using a CNC router. MakerDroidwas built as an educational tool to get kids excited about currenttechnologies, like Android, 3D Printing, and CNC machines. However,it could also be a useful fabrication tool.The drawing is made by tapping out lines to form a polygon. Youtap out the main polygon and then tap out “holes” into the polygonusing more polygons. You can also add a second layer which will besunken below the surface of the object, allowing you to drawdesigns on the surface. To make drawing objects easier, you canload a photo or image into the background (or even draw thebackground freehand), and then trace out the object you want toprint. You can then preview the 3D object, which will generate anSTL file that can be viewed with an STL viewer (and can also beused to generate prints for your own model of printer). Once youare happy with the object, you can then 3D print it, which willgenerate the GCode file format for the 3D printer or CNC machine.The GCode file will be stored in the “MakerDroid” folder of yourinternal SD, or copied to an external SD card if you connect oneusing the Samsung USB connector kit. The SD card can then beinserted into the 3D printer for printing – no PC is required inthis processs, although it is wise to preview the GCode file on aPC before printing, to make sure the size is correct, etc. View thevideo above to see all this in action.MakerDroid was made by the guys at House4Hack in Centurion,South Africa ( MakerDroid is anopen source project (GPL). You can download the source code from devices:- App tested on the Samsung Galaxy Note (with SPen). It works fineon other devices too (even without SPen), but saved files are notinterchangeable between devices currently.- App currently only supports the RapMap v3.1 dual-head printer. Itassumes ABS plastic in head 1 and PLA plastic on head 2.Known Issues:- This is a proof-of-concept alpha release. Expect bugs.- 3D preview won’t work if you cross lines. Make sure no linescross.- The generated STL file may have incorrect normals on some of thefaces. This will be fixed, but does not seem to affect theprinting.Acknowledgements:MakerDroid uses Skeinforge for generating Gcode for the RapMan andpycam for our CNC machine. The specific flavour of Skeinforge isthat released on Bits-from-Bytes for the Rapman. Both Skeinforgeand pycam uses Python and used Python for Android as a startingpoint to embed the interpreter. For the polygon manipulation andtriangulation, libraries from OrbisGIS was used.
SmartWatch SHAC widget 1.0.1
Toby Kurien
This extension for the Sony SmartWatch allowsyou to open the gate and door that is linked to the "Smart HouseAccess Control" (SHAC) app. To use this extension, you will need aSmartWatch, and have installed the SHAC app from the Play Store.Make sure you've logged into the SHAC app, then simply use thiswidget to open the door or gate by tapping the relevant text.This widget also integrates with the BatteryFu app,automatically connecting the mobile data connection (if necessary)to allow the SHAC app to work.Developed at House4Hack, South Africa.LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch
SmsFu SMS spam filter 0.9
Toby Kurien
SmsFu stops junk or spam SMS's fromirritatingyou, without you blacklisting them first. How? Itsilencesnotifications when the SMS is from a long number (oroptionally,not in your phonebook).Features:* Inbox displays full message* ... in received order* Easy delete/reply/forward sms as email* Compatible with any SMS appJust install, disable notifications on your other SMS app,andnever let spam bug you again! You can continue using yourdefaultmessaging client.
SA Events 2.2
Toby Kurien
View the best events around South Africa(ZA)and add your favourites to your calendar so you don't missthem.Plan your weekends and trips, and invite family and friendsalong.Displays expo's, shows, festivals, concerts, carvinals,culturalevents, etc. More events will be added in futureversions.This app is tablet-optimised.Permissions explained:- Your location (coarse location) - used to tailor eventinformationto regions- Your personal information (read/write calendar) - used toallowyou to save events to the calendar only. No personalinformation isread, nor emails sent.- Network communication (internet) - needed to load theapp'sdata
Smart House Access Control 1.8
Toby Kurien
Smart House Access Control (SHAC) is anappthat is used to open doors and gates. It is configured bydefaultto open the gate and door at the House4Hack hackerspaceinCenturion, Pretoria, South Africa(see It uses a web2py backendwhichintegrates with a simple web server running on an ArduinowithEthernet and Relay shields. The Relay shield is connected tothegate and door remote controls to activate them. The web2pybackendauthenticates the user. The user can sign-in on the appusing theirGoogle account.If you have a Sony SmartWatch, you can also open the gate ordoorusing your watch by installing the SmartWatch SHAC widget ontoyourphone.This project is opensource:
GApps Sandboxed Browser 1.19
Toby Kurien
GApps Browser is a sandboxed browser for Google sites for privacy.